With distinctive taste and flavor, Durian Milk Tea is one of the hottest tea products from FGC. The beverage attracts millions of consumers around the world.
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Choose healthy beverages from FGC!
All beverage products produced by FGC are made from natural and health-safe ingredients. As the health of consumers and satisfaction as a priority, we focus on quality control, taste, and flavor promotion. We are committed to offering the best products to clients.
Our Certicates
Free Sampling
Free Samples are provided whenever you want to examine any characteristics or specifications of the products before ordering them.
Stable Supply
Tea and ingredients are diverse and large in sources to ensure a sufficient and stable supply for you at any time of the year.
Free Label Design
For the most attractive label positioning for your brand, our creative design team will assist in the consultation and creation.
Fast Delivery
Our wide and flexible global shipping network is committed to timely receipt and assurance of the goods.
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